I went into work on time and told my boss that I was feeling like shite and that I needed to go to the hospital immediamente! So I went to st. vincent’s in the village and went straight to the ER. The last time I was there was there was to pick up TA when he had surgery there back in September…its amazing how time flies….
Ok, first of all, I hate hospitals. They creep me out big time. The crying babies, the screaming Puerto Ricans, the elderly folks, its just no fun. There were a lot of people there, and yeah, I just don’t like hospitals. I’m sitting in the waiting room, thinking that I have a brain tumor, mildly freaking out, but taking it in stride, and looking cute in my suit of course. So about 45 min later, I spoke with like 3 nurses and 2 doctors, and they told me that I was symptomatic of having cluster headaches, which according to the national headache foundation (and who knew such a group exists), are some of the most painful headaches out there, and they are chronic and long term. Awesome.
So the doc poked me with an IV, and shot me up some with meds. I took a bit of a nappy nap while I was there because I had to wait for the IV to stop dripping before they could release me. So I hope that this won’t happen again, because a week of a headache is nooooo fun, and I can only imagine what it’s like to be a chronic sufferer of this! Ugh!
I’m like 85% better, and I need to go to an ENT as well as a neurologist, just to rule out anything else...here’s hoping that I get better soon...ugh...

And you think I’m a hypo-drama queen…his boy went to the hospital for a headache! I thought it was all a joke until I saw the photo IV. You should be ashamed. There are people dying there, you know! And, to add devastation to drama, St Vincents! St. Vincents? Good ol’ CATHOLIC St. Vincents? You traitor!!
I'm glad it's (probably) not a tumor.
Aaron C. Morris
Immigration Law Clerk
Second Cir. Court of Appeals
so what kinda meds did they prescribe you?
feel better ad!
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