Friday night, I stayed in. after a long week at work, recovery from the previous weekend, and a general sense of blah, I decided to relegate myself to the couch. Tele, tele, tele. 'twas a good time.
Saturday I had a really fun day with brit ben who i hadn't seen since his bday in may. Brunch at 44 ½ , then down to vitra and design within reach, in the meatpacking. After that and some wandering, it was off to revel for some mid-day mojitos. Afterwards, I met up with brennen and we did some shopping. And by we, I mean he. I didn’t buy anything. Brennen however mistakenly bought a pair of c-in2 sling briefs and nearly ripped his nuts off in the process.
Saturday night was vlada, then a black/white party (not in a hairspray racial-integration kinda of way, in a ‘please wear black or white’ kind of way) then the ritz, all with brit ben. A fun night that included kissing 38 people during a game of spin the bottle,burgers at 2am, and waiting in nervous anticipation for a mouse to shit in a box...seriously, don’t ask...
Sunday was brunch and shopping with ms. madelaine mayer, which is always a blast, and then trekked up with brennen and the aim to 152nd Street and Murder Avenue to ben-ben and brendan’s bbq. I swear, when ben-ben and I lived together, the boy never cooked anything other than chicken breasts and white rice. Now he’s a gourmand, making pasta salads, burgers, HOMEMADE sorbets and ice creams! It’s crazy! It was delish boys, thanks for having me!
i'm getting incredibly excited about my upcoming european extravaganza that i have planned with jiller. gots me some awesome guide books, and i'm just superjazzed about it all.
I leave you all with this GORGEOUS picture of me red-faced and sweating my balls off, and wondering why in the world I trekked all the way uptown…oh yeah, free food and drinks...gets me every time!

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