Since I had it customized, it did not come from Cupertino, but from Shanghai rather. Over the weekend I anxiously awaited its arrival with bated breath and tracked it online like a sonnovabitch. Every 30 minutes I looked on the FedEx site to see where it was. On Friday night, after having a wonderful time at Out 100 (more on that another day when i'm less busy), and after the boys left my apt at 2:00, I actually drunk-dialed FedEx to find out where my computer was! WHO DOES THAT? Ha!
anyway, after traveling from Shanghai to Anchorage to Memphis to Newark, my new toy is at at home with his older brother, my old iBook (which incidentally, I am giving to my older brother...ha!) has Leopard OS X, it has Photo Booth, Stacks, Spaces, Time's pretty f'in sweet. When I received the box in my office yesterday, I actually hugged it. Yes, I am that guy.

And here is a fun pic of me and Brit Ben and Marla when we iChatted last fun!

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