03 November 2006
25 September 2006
29 August 2006
this morning i saw someone eating fried chicken on the street. i thought to myself, "why the hell is he eating fried chicken at 9am?" then i thought to myself, "goddamn, that chicken looks good."
this morning i saw someone eating fried chicken on the street. i thought to myself, "why the hell is he eating fried chicken at 9am?" then i thought to myself, "goddamn, that chicken looks good."
21 July 2006
18 July 2006
yes he is.
to adress the statement by the anonymous comment poster on the last entry: yes, he is a great guy. TA makes me so very happy, i'm sorta in a blissful like state when i'm with him. i feel like i'm going out on first dates with him all over, and i get the fun butterflies feeling in my tummy.
this past sunday we went to the chihuly exhibit at the botanical gardens and it was just so nice to stroll around with him, spend time with him, laugh with him, and of course sweat my nards (yes, nards) off with him, because it was 97 degrees! HOT!
in a word: happy. like i said, when i'm with him i'm happy, and he just gives me that feeling that everything in the world is good and calm and peaceful...of course then i turn on the tele and realize that its the complete opposite, but still, when i'm with him, all i can do is smile.
thank you TA, i love you.
here are some pics i took...enjoy!

this past sunday we went to the chihuly exhibit at the botanical gardens and it was just so nice to stroll around with him, spend time with him, laugh with him, and of course sweat my nards (yes, nards) off with him, because it was 97 degrees! HOT!
in a word: happy. like i said, when i'm with him i'm happy, and he just gives me that feeling that everything in the world is good and calm and peaceful...of course then i turn on the tele and realize that its the complete opposite, but still, when i'm with him, all i can do is smile.
thank you TA, i love you.
here are some pics i took...enjoy!

14 July 2006
Take 2
Well, its been a tumultous couple of days/weeks/months, but here's the bottom line: TA and i reconciled and we're back together. some may say, 'why mr. publicist, why would you do such a thing!', to which i would respond, 'because i can'. TA makes me so incredibly happy, you have no idea. being without him for the past 3 months was a nightmare. i couldn't not think of him, and how he made me laugh and smile, and now that he's back, its like we didn't skip a beat. i love him with all my heart, and we're going to give this a try, and hopefully we can make it through, and right the wrongs of last time. wish me/us luck!
27 June 2006
ponderings and wonderment
on sex and the city, every gay man's favorite show, the ladies of new york stated that when you break up with someone, the healing time is supposed to equate to half the length of the relationship that just ended. in my case, half the time (7 months) would be 3.5 months. am i supposed to have moved on by then? should i feel like a new person?
when certain benchmarks pass you by, like the one-week mark or one-month mark, i think to myself, 'yes mr. publicist, you are making progress', but in actuality, i'm really just crossing off days on my calendar. i don't think that there should be a set standard as to when you are supposed to feel better or move on or what not.
i don't know, i just don't feel like i am where i should be. i still think about TA all the time, and i am sure that this is normal, and everyday, yes, it does get a little easier, but its still quite hard on me...i still skip past certain songs on my ipod when they come up, because they make me think of him. when i hear west side story, when i think of brazil, when i pass by del posto, when i hear the name Frank Gehry i think of him. i know this probably means nothing to most if not all of you, but it means soo much to me. i avoid certain areas of the village because i fear that i will run into him, and burst into tears. clearly i miss him a lot still.
we ended on good terms, but with the exception of a quick email, we haven't really spoken since doomsday. i know that i am not at all ready for a relationship (duh), nor do i want one right now, and i do want to speak to him, but i don't think i'm ready for that either. i hope i don't sound like an emotional fool, but this being my first real hardcore relationship, i'm still working out the kinks of the aftermath i guess.....
i'm a mess, i know. hello! i'm 26, i'm not a little school girl hung up on the captain of the football team. this is someone who i was in love with, and the feelings returned. when did i grow up? when did i become an adult who was in an adult relationship? when will the lambs stop crying! ahhh!
(side note: going to see her madgesty on thursday...holla!)
when certain benchmarks pass you by, like the one-week mark or one-month mark, i think to myself, 'yes mr. publicist, you are making progress', but in actuality, i'm really just crossing off days on my calendar. i don't think that there should be a set standard as to when you are supposed to feel better or move on or what not.
i don't know, i just don't feel like i am where i should be. i still think about TA all the time, and i am sure that this is normal, and everyday, yes, it does get a little easier, but its still quite hard on me...i still skip past certain songs on my ipod when they come up, because they make me think of him. when i hear west side story, when i think of brazil, when i pass by del posto, when i hear the name Frank Gehry i think of him. i know this probably means nothing to most if not all of you, but it means soo much to me. i avoid certain areas of the village because i fear that i will run into him, and burst into tears. clearly i miss him a lot still.
we ended on good terms, but with the exception of a quick email, we haven't really spoken since doomsday. i know that i am not at all ready for a relationship (duh), nor do i want one right now, and i do want to speak to him, but i don't think i'm ready for that either. i hope i don't sound like an emotional fool, but this being my first real hardcore relationship, i'm still working out the kinks of the aftermath i guess.....
i'm a mess, i know. hello! i'm 26, i'm not a little school girl hung up on the captain of the football team. this is someone who i was in love with, and the feelings returned. when did i grow up? when did i become an adult who was in an adult relationship? when will the lambs stop crying! ahhh!
(side note: going to see her madgesty on thursday...holla!)
09 June 2006
where have you been mr. publicist?
well, i've been here, i've been there, i've been almost everywhere.
the past 2 months have been pretty hard on me. first, TA and I break up. i brought up the idea, but it was a mutual decision. one that i hated to make, but i know that in the long run it will be for the best. i really don't want or need to get into it, but i truely love him and care about him, and it just wasn't working out. i know that he and i will be great friends down the line, and if you are reading this TA, i hope you know how i feel about you and how I will always feel about you.
following that, the support from all of my friends and my awesome parents has been great. i couldn't have gotten through this without all of your love and kind wishes. there are 3 people in particular who have been simply amazing throughout, T, LK and J/DC.
Sadly, both T and LK are leaving me. T will be leaving NYC in the fall to go to the left coast to pursue his life and to follow his heart, and although i will miss him with all of my heart, i know that this is what he needs, and i know that the part of him that will make him complete is waiting for him in SF.
LK will also be making the leap from NYC coming towards the end of the summer, moving back to the ATL where she is from. LK is such a wonderful person, and has one of the most genuine souls out there. although we haven't spent as much time together as either of us would like, i think that there is a deep bond there. she is truely a giver a fabulous and fun friend, and she will be missed dearly.
J/DC. where do i start with him. my first boyfriend. my first true love, and my eternal friend. i feel so blessed to have him in my life. we dated for a very short period when i was in college, and since then he has morphed from ex-boyfriend into a figure of guidance, love, advice and support for me, and he holds a very deep place in my heart and he always will.
Sadly, a horrible incident happened to J/DC 2 weeks ago, and he was attacked, beaten up and mugged on the streets in DC. Words cannot express how you feel when you know that someone very close to you was pushed to the edge of life for a few dollars by three horrible men with a gun. J/DC, i wish you the speediest of recoveries.
So thats where I have been. I've had my ups, I've had my downs. I've been high, I've been low. Expect more posts on a more frequent basis, and please make comments, I love to hear them!
the past 2 months have been pretty hard on me. first, TA and I break up. i brought up the idea, but it was a mutual decision. one that i hated to make, but i know that in the long run it will be for the best. i really don't want or need to get into it, but i truely love him and care about him, and it just wasn't working out. i know that he and i will be great friends down the line, and if you are reading this TA, i hope you know how i feel about you and how I will always feel about you.
following that, the support from all of my friends and my awesome parents has been great. i couldn't have gotten through this without all of your love and kind wishes. there are 3 people in particular who have been simply amazing throughout, T, LK and J/DC.
Sadly, both T and LK are leaving me. T will be leaving NYC in the fall to go to the left coast to pursue his life and to follow his heart, and although i will miss him with all of my heart, i know that this is what he needs, and i know that the part of him that will make him complete is waiting for him in SF.
LK will also be making the leap from NYC coming towards the end of the summer, moving back to the ATL where she is from. LK is such a wonderful person, and has one of the most genuine souls out there. although we haven't spent as much time together as either of us would like, i think that there is a deep bond there. she is truely a giver a fabulous and fun friend, and she will be missed dearly.
J/DC. where do i start with him. my first boyfriend. my first true love, and my eternal friend. i feel so blessed to have him in my life. we dated for a very short period when i was in college, and since then he has morphed from ex-boyfriend into a figure of guidance, love, advice and support for me, and he holds a very deep place in my heart and he always will.
Sadly, a horrible incident happened to J/DC 2 weeks ago, and he was attacked, beaten up and mugged on the streets in DC. Words cannot express how you feel when you know that someone very close to you was pushed to the edge of life for a few dollars by three horrible men with a gun. J/DC, i wish you the speediest of recoveries.
So thats where I have been. I've had my ups, I've had my downs. I've been high, I've been low. Expect more posts on a more frequent basis, and please make comments, I love to hear them!
23 May 2006
01 May 2006
all good things must come to an end...
well, for those of you who haven't heard, TA and I broke up about 2 weeks ago. i'm pretty upset about it, but i'm taking it day by day. thanks to all my friends who have been simply amazing, you guys are the best....
31 March 2006
23 March 2006
oh ricky...
08 March 2006
23 February 2006
Question? Answer!
22 February 2006
so i have this overwhelming feeling that god does not want new yorkers to enjoy their weekend. for the past 5 weekends, the weather has been shitake on either one or both of the days of the weekend, and i personally am pissed off! either it's raining/snowing or the temperature drops to be bitterly cold, and that just ain't cool god, it ain't cool. take a look at the pic below of the forecast for this weekend, further proving my point. from 48 on thursday to 29 on sunday. explain that one! i think we should revolt!

24 January 2006
18 January 2006
beat to the street like a fine piece of meat.
so i had a great weekend (of which I am still recovering!)...what about you my little kittens? well, for those of you who are outta the loop (i mean, i don't know who i'm speaking to, since all of 4 people read my blog...and i'm one of them...), i had my birthday party on saturday night at gogo on 19th street.
with the exeption of the retardedly cold, wet and sleety weather, lemme just say that i had a lotta fun. thanks to my man mr. rik parker for hooking everyone up with the specials (and hooking me up with the bottles of vodka and champagne! you're hot shit rik! if anyone ever wants to have a party, let me know, and i'll put you in touch with rik. between the sweet invite and the openbar, he always throws great parties. make sure to check out Nelly's List for the pics, esp the one and only one of me (featuring a handsome man know to many as T.A.) which is on page 5...do ya see me? thought so!
after the par-tay, my bitches and me...ok, just jiller, jamie, the aim, mama cass, and some assorted gays went to a fun karaoke place in little korea on 32nd street (which basically encompasses all of little korea) that we've been to a few times. the place is rad, because its only like $25/hour, regardless of how many people, plus its BYOB, and you can smoke there too...yes, you can even smoke the good stuff...holla! the place is nothing special (although its not as crappy as this, but we always have fun.
fast forward to 3:15am and T.A. and I leave, grab some pizza, and called it a night. a great great time was had by all, and thanks for coming everyone!

on another note, you know thats its a sad commentary on your worklife when you not only have enough time to talk to your co-worker about people's hair styles at the golden globes for 20 minutes and then you still have time to write a blog. love it.
with the exeption of the retardedly cold, wet and sleety weather, lemme just say that i had a lotta fun. thanks to my man mr. rik parker for hooking everyone up with the specials (and hooking me up with the bottles of vodka and champagne! you're hot shit rik! if anyone ever wants to have a party, let me know, and i'll put you in touch with rik. between the sweet invite and the openbar, he always throws great parties. make sure to check out Nelly's List for the pics, esp the one and only one of me (featuring a handsome man know to many as T.A.) which is on page 5...do ya see me? thought so!
after the par-tay, my bitches and me...ok, just jiller, jamie, the aim, mama cass, and some assorted gays went to a fun karaoke place in little korea on 32nd street (which basically encompasses all of little korea) that we've been to a few times. the place is rad, because its only like $25/hour, regardless of how many people, plus its BYOB, and you can smoke there too...yes, you can even smoke the good stuff...holla! the place is nothing special (although its not as crappy as this, but we always have fun.
fast forward to 3:15am and T.A. and I leave, grab some pizza, and called it a night. a great great time was had by all, and thanks for coming everyone!

on another note, you know thats its a sad commentary on your worklife when you not only have enough time to talk to your co-worker about people's hair styles at the golden globes for 20 minutes and then you still have time to write a blog. love it.
13 January 2006
Ugh, I'm so freaking glad that the weekend is here. It's FRIDAY baby! Guy's, I know I have been so bad about posting lately, and its just been snippets here and there, but I'll make a concerted effort to post more often, with more substantial stuff.
so i hate sounding all like great and shit, but i'm having a great year thus far. i mean, i'm happy with my job, i'm happy with my apartment, a wonderful boyfriend, and i'm doing well all around.
i turned 26 last month, but i'm having my big ole birthday party tomorrow night at Go-Go, and that should be a hoot. it's open bar and no cover from 10-11. come on over, make sure to rsvp to rikslist@gmail.com!
went with the boys last night to splish Splash for a hot sec. went with T, L.S. and hottie Mr. Milnar and his crew. PB and Mr. French (I don't have a good nickname for him yet, so this will suffice in the meantime...sawwy!) met up with us after they went a shoppin at Fagercrombie and Bitch. And that's the only mention you get PB!
have you all check out Google Earth yet? it's FUCKING amazing! I mean, when I get bored at work, I quickly load up google earth and start searching for old addresses, my old camps i've been to, my dorm in college, places i've traveled to...everywhere. Go there now and download it, i highly recommend it!
ok, thats it for now. see you bitches this weekend!
so i hate sounding all like great and shit, but i'm having a great year thus far. i mean, i'm happy with my job, i'm happy with my apartment, a wonderful boyfriend, and i'm doing well all around.
i turned 26 last month, but i'm having my big ole birthday party tomorrow night at Go-Go, and that should be a hoot. it's open bar and no cover from 10-11. come on over, make sure to rsvp to rikslist@gmail.com!
went with the boys last night to splish Splash for a hot sec. went with T, L.S. and hottie Mr. Milnar and his crew. PB and Mr. French (I don't have a good nickname for him yet, so this will suffice in the meantime...sawwy!) met up with us after they went a shoppin at Fagercrombie and Bitch. And that's the only mention you get PB!
have you all check out Google Earth yet? it's FUCKING amazing! I mean, when I get bored at work, I quickly load up google earth and start searching for old addresses, my old camps i've been to, my dorm in college, places i've traveled to...everywhere. Go there now and download it, i highly recommend it!
ok, thats it for now. see you bitches this weekend!
11 January 2006
09 January 2006
05 January 2006
02 January 2006
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