"If every household in the US replaced 3 conventional lightbulbs with environmentally friendly florescent bulbs, the green house gas emissions would be the same as removing 3.5 Million cars from the road."
Last night I was able to go to a really cool event at the Theory headquarters hosted by the National Resources Defense Council and Robert Kennedy, Jr. The theme of the event was "In Theory, It's Easy Going Green", part of the Theory Icon Project. Basically the night was set up to discuss how we as a community can go green and help do our part to stop global warming. There were electric cars, a green market with interesting environmental vendors, food from Pure Food & Wine, and a cute crowd to boot.
I do want to share one thing with you: in the fab one lucky duck gift bags, we were given a free 1 year subscription to greendimes, which is a service that you sign up for and they basically contact direct mail companies and get rid of most of the junk mail that you receive. In addition, they will plant 1 tree for you per month! To produce junk mail for one year, we use 100 million trees and 28 billion gallons of water! Insane!
This being said, I want to pass along the gift certificate to all of you. Go to greendimes and when it says enter gift cert code, its THEORY, and now you'll get a lot less junk mail, and you'll have trees planted in your behalf...how cool is that?
Global warming sucks, and as I learn more about it, I realize that there are certain things that we can do to offset the bad stuff that others do, like joining greendimes. It's not much, but I think its a good first step for all of us. I hope you all do this, it literally takes about 2 minutes, its free and its doing some good, so thanks in advance!
Thanks to J.E.H. (who looked resplendent in white last night) for the invite! Had a great time!
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