First I conquered a fear and took the train to the w4th street station. Yes, say what you want, but the area still holds heavy in my heart, so it’s hard for me to be there since I spent so much time in the vicinity. Anyway, moving on, I met up with E’s at his brand-spankin-new apt. ok, so lets be honest, I usually don’t like E’s taste in furnishing, but he and J did a SICK job in their new place. ok, so i knew it was a big apartment when i saw it during construction, but it wasn't until i saw it fully furnished that i can say, its huge. When I say huge, I’m talking chad hunt huge. Bedrooms and bathrooms and living rooms and enough closets to make any gay man weep. The place is stunning. Anyway, had din with E & J at surya which was delish, and then I met up with my boys at the 262.
after some heavy arm-twisting, they got this former publicist to join them at pop rocks at bar 13. LS, Big A, Little A (who will now be known as TFJ, or The Fake Jew, because he is masquerading as one with his last name!), Shim-a-roo, J.Mo, BklynC, and the rest of the scragilly crew. i haven't been out on a thursday in faaar too long!
This was the first time I have been to pop rocks in about 2 years. I seriously, seriously miss the days of when it was held at plaid, those were great times. i used to go every thursday for months and months when i first moved to the city in '02. Hanging with Rik Parker and Matt Tratner in their booths, booze flowing until the wee hours. Seeing Pam Anderson, David LaChapelle and Amanda Lepore chilling in one corner while Boy George was holding court in another, Junior Vasquez spinning in the back room...ahh, good memories...
Well last night we danced, we drank (corona out of a can), and we watched go-go-boys (and here is that go-go-boy blog that i was talking about last night) was great Thursday night.
And now it’s Friday and I’m paying for it. blah.

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