It started off with a sinus infection on Friday, which sidelined me from going out that night, although that was prob for the best, since going out each and every night would have been baaaad…Saturday was Pride Brunch, well, it was just me, LS and PB (for those just catching up, that’s Little Steve and Power Bottom, aka Chris), but regardless it was fun. We walked up and down 8th ave about 6 times and basically had our own little parade. ‘twas fun.
Saturday night, TFJ (TFJ, little Andrew, the fake jew) had a pre-party at his hells kitch apt, and all the boys showed up. There were fights, there were twins, and there was lots of vodka to get the night started. Off to Avalon (formerly known as Estate, formerly known as Limelight) we went, and our group suddenly dwindled down by a few as one party-goer opted to run across the street and puke his guts out…*cough*bklyn chris *cough*…danced til 3, woke up, met brennen at our pride spot at Christopher and Gay Streets, where we have been watching the parade for years.
Then the luau. How much f'in fun was that! There were literally over a hundred people at our party in our backyard (see pic below!). It was insane! Sooo much fun! Of course, me being me, I went all out on the decorations. There were fishing nets and fish. There were flip-flops and hibiscus flowers. There were leis everywhere and there was a 6 foot tall palm tree that doubled as a cooler. I made a 4 hour mix and just let it run. It was awesome. Afterwards we all went dancing at Hiro, then to the diner where we met a hot (albeit incredibly gregarious) Canadian who was in town (alone) for his 35th bday. The boys went home, I went home, and the weekend concluded. Monday was hot, laid out on the pier with LS and just enjoyed the day…after cleaning up for hours in the sun. that part was no fun.
Good friends, good times, great pride.