28 October 2007

what's old is new again.


on another (and completely different note), i have a new friend. a friend that i met back in may (when i crashed his 25th bday party), but now we're actually like friends. we spent almost all last weekend together. we drank, we wii'd, we brunched, we shopped, we drank some more. i mean, we clicked. it's so nice when you start up a new friendship. you learn so much about each other and it's really refreshing. he's new to the city, and the country for that matter, and we've both had busy years, both workwise and lovelife-wise. it's nice to share and to commiserate and all that. it's just nice. we say that we are going to be best friends in 2008, but i think that it may come sooner.

1 comment:

Spenc said...

It's nice to book your best friends in advance. A full agenda helps to cope with the winters and what not...

in all my singularity,