28 December 2007


for a while now, i have been incredibly intrigued by the british graffiti artist banksy. he is know for his outspoken, politically-charged and often comical work. he has painted on West Bank Separation Wall, he left a dummy of a Guantanamo Bay prisoner on the fence of a ride at disneyland, he's covertly added his own pieces of art with satirical captions to the walls of the lourve and in one of my favorite moves, he replaced copies of Paris Hilton's CD with his own cover art of a topless Paris and renamed the songs "Why am I Famous", "What Have I Done", and "What Am I For". Needless to say, he's a rebel and revolutionary. oh, and also, no one knows what he looks like.

For the past few weeks his work has been on display at a gallery here in chelsea, and, as it is closing tomorrow, i swung by. all i have to say is amazing. i've only seen the work online, and to finally be able to see the work in person was awesome. and the way that it was presented was perfect. police tape, bubble wrap, awkward lighting. it was gorgeous. here are some pics i took:

the 2nd floor of the 3 floor display

banksy's modern-day take on a warhol classic

The Banksy of England £10 note featuring Princess Di

while taking the kate pic, i covered the flash on my blackberry...came out kinda cool, no?

17 December 2007

thoughts and thoughts

well, as i said in my previous post, i am now 28. i am happy that i am getting older, because i am learning more and more about myself everyday. after having a "small" (ie: 21 person) dinner on friday night, some of the boys went out a-drinkin. after several cocktails, i found myself at barrage waxing poetic about how much i have changed in my years. its really true though. i am more confident in myself, i am more secure in my abilities. now look, that doesn't mean that i don't doubt myself here and there, because i'd be lying if i said that i didn't. 

friday was a lot of fun, saturday was shopping with my best friend eric, then having din with him, his partner joe and wendy and jenny who was in town from philly. we drank, we ate, and then we went back to wendy's place and schmoked and had one of the funniest conversations i can recall. we talked all about sex with men vs sex with women and it was both hilarious and informative for everyone involved!

sunday i saw Juno with Queen Jiller, and I have to highly recommend this movie to everyone. stellar cast, great directing, excellent script, and a standout performance by ellen page as the lead. fantastic fantastic movie.

tonight, TA took me to dinner at Annisa, for my birthday, and it was just excellent. not just the food, but the company as well. its been a very rocky road for us, but we are forging a special bond as friends, and i am very happy about that. look, inherently, i'm always going to care about him, and i know that he feels the same. there is a part of me that will probably always be in love with him, and i'm ok with that, because i think that that is normal. if we weren't friends, i would probably be brokenhearted. how can you just void your life of someone who you spent such a significant part of it with? it doesn't seem natural. we'll probably still have our bumpy moments, but in the long run (and i have said this before), we will always be in each others lives. he is a good person and i am grateful that we are where we are. 

he also got me a pair of rayban aviators that i had expressed interest in. not at all necessary, so thank you TA, it was very sweet and generous of you.

i look forward to wearing said glasses tomorrow morning on the train up to CT, where i am going for a meeting for my first day of work! we're meeting with someone regarding the south beach wine and food festival, which i am also going to from feb 17-25. i'm very excited, and i know that this is just going to be a great opportunity for me.

i'm in a happy mood right now, and i am hoping that it sustains itself for a while. i have a feeling that it will.

in the meantime, i hope that everyone checks out this video (audio is NSFW)...hilarious!

14 December 2007


today is my 28th birthday. i honestly cannot believe that i am this old. i just can't believe it! i feel like it was just yesterday that was a dorky chubby freshman at wootton. or that i was a dorky chubby freshman at iu. and wasn't it just yesterday that i was the quasi-cool, not-so-chubby kid fresh outta school working at the front desk of the parker? the time goes by oh so fast.

i had a good 27th year. i had a few jobs, i had a boyfriend, i had some normalcy to my life. the spring brought about the upheaval of a lot of that, but i think that i am more grounded now, which i am happy about. 

i don't live a crazy life (although i did hop up to boston for a date on wednesday...maybe i am a tad bit crazy...), but i think that i live quite a satisfying and fulfilling life. sometimes i think that i need to spruce it up a bit, but hey, i have time. i'm young...ish. there is no boyfriend in my life right now (which apparently affects me at certain times), but i'm ok with that. do i need one? i don't know. i miss the companionship that a boyfriend brings, but i have met some great new people who in addition to my old stable of friends keep me afloat and make me enjoy my life and provide me with almost all i need to get by.

i left my shit job, and as of last next week, i will be starting an even better one. i am going to be the events manager for a boutique event planning firm working on huge accounts for them. my biggest client is a HUGE water company, and I will be working with them on their sponsorship of events including the Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Fest, as well as the US Open. I am going to be doing a lot of traveling, which I look forward to, and more importantly, I am going to be working with someone who I have worked before, who I think is a great guy. needless to say, i'm very excited.

28 is shaping up to be a good year.

some boston pics:

09 December 2007

birthdays, holidays & memories

my birthday is this coming friday, and i am turning 28. i am looking forward to it, but like always, when this time of year comes, i fall into this deep dark hole. i get upset, i get moody, and i feel alone. i don't know, maybe its because it's different this year, but the holidays are rough for me. i always get emotional around, but it's harder now. the past 2 years i had an amazing man in my life. a companion, a lover, a friend, and now i don't have that. i don't have the person who i told i loved on new years in 2005. i don't have the person who i crawled into bed with every night and was held by. i miss that. as i try to move on and move forward its this time of year that i slow down and regroup and get emotional and upset and remember what i am missing. you try and focus on the positives of what you have in your corner, but i don't have so much right now. no job, no significant other. no one to curl up with and tell me that all the bad stuff will pass. i wish that i could say that its been getting easier, this getting over TA thing, but it's not. especially this time of year.

some of my friends are slowly showing their true colors and once again, i question my friendships with some of them. i feel left out of things and i feel like once again, i'm being put on the back burner by some people. everyone seems to always be having a good time, and telling fun stories, and i am not a part of those stories because i am not called or invited. am i that bad of a person? did i do something to hurt or upset them? i really don't think that i did. i feel like i give so much to some people, and i am warm and welcoming and i get shafted in return. i don't know why i put up with some of this, i really don't.

new years is coming and its time for me to reflect on the people in my life. some are in my life for good, and some do nothing but cause me pain. it's time to end that.

04 December 2007

if i were a chipmunk...

summertime fun...

the following is the result of vodka, music and the anticipation of a night on the town in early june: