14 December 2007


today is my 28th birthday. i honestly cannot believe that i am this old. i just can't believe it! i feel like it was just yesterday that was a dorky chubby freshman at wootton. or that i was a dorky chubby freshman at iu. and wasn't it just yesterday that i was the quasi-cool, not-so-chubby kid fresh outta school working at the front desk of the parker? the time goes by oh so fast.

i had a good 27th year. i had a few jobs, i had a boyfriend, i had some normalcy to my life. the spring brought about the upheaval of a lot of that, but i think that i am more grounded now, which i am happy about. 

i don't live a crazy life (although i did hop up to boston for a date on wednesday...maybe i am a tad bit crazy...), but i think that i live quite a satisfying and fulfilling life. sometimes i think that i need to spruce it up a bit, but hey, i have time. i'm young...ish. there is no boyfriend in my life right now (which apparently affects me at certain times), but i'm ok with that. do i need one? i don't know. i miss the companionship that a boyfriend brings, but i have met some great new people who in addition to my old stable of friends keep me afloat and make me enjoy my life and provide me with almost all i need to get by.

i left my shit job, and as of last next week, i will be starting an even better one. i am going to be the events manager for a boutique event planning firm working on huge accounts for them. my biggest client is a HUGE water company, and I will be working with them on their sponsorship of events including the Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Fest, as well as the US Open. I am going to be doing a lot of traveling, which I look forward to, and more importantly, I am going to be working with someone who I have worked before, who I think is a great guy. needless to say, i'm very excited.

28 is shaping up to be a good year.

some boston pics:

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