holla. so the publicist had a great weekend. thursday night, i went out with my boys to
gym bar to meet up with Mr. Milnar and his gang of b&t boys, whom i love. they are fun and always know how to have a good time...not unlike my boys, who always know how to have a fun and trash-tastic time. T. and I played a round of pool against this old queen who was annoying. he was like "ok, here are the rules, and don't break them, and don't do this, and you have to ask first before you do that, and i'm a cunt and i'm lonely, and all i do is play pool and carry chalk on my keychain." lovely fellow. T. was making fun of him, like right in front of him, it was brill! he was like "BOOO! Go Home! We want a pitcher, not a belly itcher!" you want a pitcher T? mmm...someone needs to get
laaaaaaid! kidding!...anyway, we stayed at GYM for a while, and everyone was there. T, L.S., J., L.M., everyone, well everyone except for PB of course, who was out in Ho-hio revisiting his days of glory at Homo-coming. We missed you P.B. and we're glad to have you back....until the next time you pass out that is...
T.A. met me at GYM which was great, and then we went off to
G, which I was very blah about going to because lawd knows I am not the biggest fan of the place, but i go where the gays are, so we treked up to 19th and 7th. i don't know why i say treked, considering it was really only a block a way, but i digress. G was fun, although I really don't recall how long we were there for, as the drinksies from GYM set it fairly quickly, as they always do. they pour them big and strong at GYM...just the way I like em! So I remember that J was at G (enough with the initials dammit!) was a cute boy who I know that I had met at some point sometime, though I couldn't really place where. Anyway, the 2 of them made a cute couple, and J was smiling all night....
awww. T.A. and I left by like 10:30 (3.5 hours of drinking on a thursday night can really do a doozy to ya!), and I think the rest of the boys stayed for a while.
friday i stayed in with T.A. and watched the commercial-free world premier of Madonna's new documentary
I'm Going To Tell You a Secret", which basically chronicled her last tour, as well as her marriage, her family, her spirituality and her life. As many/most of you know, I am a huge Madonna fan
(case in point), and whenever she is performing in town, I love to go. Fortunatly, my friend Jamie's aunt is her Madge-esty's business accountant (or something technical like that), and we get ridic seats. If anyone went to her last tour, she had 2 sections cut out on her stage for like 30 VIP's, myself being one of them, so we were only about 3 feet away from her as she performed, and I reached out my hand and she grabbed it. it was a fucking amazing night. Anyway, point of the story is that I really really loved the documentary. It was directed INCREDIBLY well by Jonas Ackerlund, who was directed some awesome music videos, and it included lots of concert footage, which brought back great memories. it's getting crap reviews, but i loved it, and thats all that matters to me.
Saturday night, T.A. took me to an AMAZING meal at
Bottino (thanks again!), and although the weather outside was frightful, his company was so delightful. Honestly, one of the better meals I have had here in NYC, and I have been to a crapload of places. We next went to a party for his friend's bday, where I saw a guy who used to stalk me on
gay.com, and who started a fire in the apt. he put his drink down on a little votive candle and walked away, causing some flames and some smoke. good times. no, it wasn't that bad, but he later placed his new cup on another candle mistakenly, fortunatly this one had already been extinguished. party was nice, got to meet T.A.'s friends which was cool. After we went to Jiller and Mama Cass's bday party (we were a fashionable 2 hours late, but between the delicious dinner, the other party and the rain, we were slowed down) at State of Grace on the UES. It was fun, and always good to see my gals. saw Skinny Mel and Erin, who I hadn't seen in what felt like ages. after that, B-Fletch, T.A. and I made our way to
OW for a final drink before the bar gets bought by someone else, since it's up for sale.
Sunday T.A. and I went to
Le Petite Abeille which was very good, and then we did some shopping for shoes and glasses, both of which he needs, only we came back empty handed....booo. my boys came over for
Desperate Housewives, and there ended up being 8 or us in my apt, which was cramped, but fun. always fun to have everyone over, and can't wait until next week!
all in all, great weekend, way too short, but aren't they always? ugh...back to work now i guess....