OK, 11:15ish, I start getting quite tired. I'm starting to get adjusted to the corporate world, having to get to bed early and wake up early. A. wants me to go to the gym in the morning at 6:30. I'm sorry, then only time my tired ass has seen the light of day that early is if I have been up UNTIL then. Well, I crawled into bed, spoke to T.A. for a lil, and blissfully sank away into what I thought would be a deep slumber.
Well, sometime around 4ish, I woke up to find my mouth throbbing in pain. (Backstory: I cut myself shaving about a month ago right under my lip, and I didn nothing to make that scab go away, if you catch my drift. I treat myself like shit sometimes. I had gone to bed with a band-aid on, thinking that any pain would be alleviated with that thin strip of perforated plastic and gauze. Au Contraire!) I got up and looked in the mirror, only to find that my bottom lipped had swollen to 4 times its size. I looked like a member of some Aboriginal tribe!
Ran to the bathroom, assessed the situation, took some advil and iced my lip. After about 20 minutes of being fridgedly cold while trying to surpress the pain, I decided to fall back to sleep again. Then the dreams came.
Ok, so I had 2 very vivid dreams, and I'm really not going to get into much detail about them, just for the sake of...well...I mean, I doubt you really wanna hear. The first was a liiiil bit sexual, and it involved a co-worker, one who I do NOT find attratctive. The second was set at an outdoor concert featuring a lovely duet by Marilyn Manson and Liza Minelli. Someone please tell me how this happened!
Woke up this morn, lip is basically back to normal, though slightly bulbous. Having lunch with T.A., looking forward to that, and now back to a long arduous day of work.
PS- I miss the Range Rover (RR!)

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