10 October 2005

and now i'm an event planner too!

i have like so many parties to plan, its ridic. i mean, yeah, i am damn good at it. i planned a bday party for 3 friends (you know who you are ladies....mama c!) which was highly successful, even though one specific person decided to pass out so i could call an ambulance...damn you Schlen!

i planned the jamer's bday party last year at Capitale, and that was hot. i mean, i got the hook up for her too. hmm...jamie...we used to be friends, but she still hasn't fucking come to my "new" apartment yet. I'VE BEEN THERE 11 MONTHS! COME OVER ALREADY!

so L.J. wants L.S. and I to plan his bday. i heart L.J. he is great. but really, i've only known him for like 2 months, not even. should i be in charge of planning this shindig for him? i mean, i'll gladly do it, but maybe he shoulda picked someone who knows him better. i mean, i only know like 1 of his other friends. and let me discuss his friend for just one hot second. his friend is sooo cute, and sooo cool, and SOOOO young. i really like him, he's a great kid, but he is just so young. last night he said he wanted to go as romy from "romy and michelle's high school reunion" for halloween. i was like "weren't you like 8 when that movie came out?" he responded with "no, i was 12". touché.

i'm also going to plan a din-din for M.B. the following weekend. this one I can do because M.B. and I run in the same circle and we know each others friends. god, 8 queens trying to meet in one place and sit down for dinner. this should be a hoot!

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